If you are looking for Endocrinologist in Durgapur, here is a list of the 04 best diabetes doctor in Durgapur. They are practicing in The Mission Hospital, Vivekananda Hospital, Health World Hospital, IQ city Hospital and some others renowned place. They are experienced, very helpful and efficient. You can consult with them for high blood sugar, hormones related symptoms.
List of Best Endocrinologist in Durgapur:

Dr. Rajarshi Mukhopadhyay
Visiting Consultant. Diabetologist and Endocrinologist. MBBS, MD(Medicine), DNB, DM (Endo), MRCP (LON, U.K), CCT (Endo & Gen Med), MRCP (Endo); FRCP (EDIN, U.K). Health World Hospital.

Dr. Rajan Palui
Consultant-Endocrinology & Metabolism MBBS, MD, DM. The Mission Hospital

Dr. Subham Das
Consultant-Diabetology MBBS, PGDGM (Geriatric Medicine), MD (pharmacology) ACMDC (Diabetology), CCMTD (thyroid disorders), Diploma Hospital Management MRCP associate member (Edinburgh, UK) Member, American College of Physicians (ACP)

Dr. Sasthi Narayan Chakraborty
General Physician & Endocronologist. MD-Community Medicine, MBBS, PG Diploma Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetology, PGC Diabetology, ACMDC (Diabetes and Cardiovascular Diseases), CCMTD (Thyroid Disorders), Fellowship of Diabetes India. National Medical Hall, Benachity Bazar, Durgapur
Some Hospitals for best diabetes doctor in Durgapur:
Which conditions are treated by a Endocrinology Doctor?
Hormones plays a vital roles in body. It tells the body what to do and what not. It is a chemical that carrying message from blood to muscle and organs. Body temperature, fluid balance, reproduction system, sexual function, sleep and wake cycle, mood everything are controlled by hormones. Scientist say, more than 50 hormones in our body that plays a different roles. See the more details of hormonal function from this article. So, endocrinology specialist diagnose and treat about very important function that all about hormones.
- Diabetes
- High blood sugar (HBS)
- All kinds of thyroid diseases
- Disorders of metabolic
- Osteoporosis
- some cancers related issues
- Hormone producing disorders
- Adrenal glands issues
- Pituitary gland issues
- Infertility
- Growth related issues, etc.
Great Article