Dr. Swagatam Banerjee

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Dr. Swagatam Banerjee

Dr. Swagatam Banerjee

Head and Neck Surgeon
MBBS, MS (ENT), MRCS (ENT), DNB ( Otorhinolaryngology).
Durgapur City Clinic And Nursing Home Pvt. Ltd
For Appointment: +919233391023  & +91 343 254 6600

More About Dr. Swagatam Banerjee:

Dr. Swagatam is a femous Head and Neck Surgeon in Durgapur City Clinic and Nursing Home Pvt. Ltd. He complete his MS (ENT) degree from Medical College, Kolkata, and DNB (Otorhinolaryngology) from National Board of Education (NBE). He also complete a higher degree MRCS (ENT) from Royal College of England.

Location & Contact:

Durgapur City Clinic and Nursing Home Pvt. Ltd.
4th & 5th, Doctor’s Colony, Central Park, City Center,
Durgapur, West Bengal 713216, India

For Appointment: +919233391023  & +91 343 254 6600

Overseas Location:

Specialty Doctor ENT

United Kingdom

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