If you are looking for best General Physician Durgapur, here is a list of the top 10 Doctors. They are experienced, very helpful and efficient.
List of best General physician Durgapur:

Dr. Taraknath Chattopadhyay
General Physician Junior Consultant – General Medicine, Health World Hospital MBBS, MD (Gen. Med.).

Dr. Sasthi Narayan Chakraborty
General Physician & Endocronologist. National Medical Hall, Benachity Bazar, Durgapur MD-Community Medicine, MBBS, PG Diploma Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetology MBBS, MD (Gen. Med.).

Dr. Bashar Imam Ahmad
Associate Professor, General Medicine, IQ City Hospital MD – General Medicine, MBBS.

Dr. Piyusha Ranjan Naya
General Physician & Endocronologist. National Medical Hall, Benachity Bazar, Durgapur MD-Community Medicine, MBBS, PG Diploma Clinical Endocrinology and Diabetology MBBS, MD (Gen. Med.).
Some best Hospitals for General Physician Durgapur:
Which conditions are treated by a Medicine specialist Doctor:
According to Wikipedia–
“A general practitioner manages types of illness that present in an undifferentiated way at an early stage of development, which may require urgent intervention. The holistic approach of general practice aims to take into consideration the biological, psychological, and social factors relevant to the care of each patient’s illness. Their duties are not confined to specific organs of the body, and they have particular skills in treating people with multiple health issues. They are trained to treat patients of any age and sex to levels of complexity that vary between countries.”
In a nutshell-A general physician treats a patient of any age or gender up to a certain limit.
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